Research Summary:
Amongst the numerous species of Aloe used in traditional medicine, *Aloe vera* stands on its own as the basis of an enormous global industry, with an estimated annual retail value exceeding 110 billion US dollars (International Aloe Science Council 2004). In South Africa, *Aloe ferox* has become an important commercial medicinal plant, not only for its traditional use as laxative bitters but more recently as a source of raw material for health drinks and cosmetics formulations, which nowadays comprise the bulk of aloe-based consumer products.
This broad review describes traditional and modern uses of aloe and highlights recent developments in the aloe industry from a scientific and commercial perspective. Aloe has been the topic of many research projects in which basic information about its considerable morphological, chemical, and genetic variation has been brought to light. These studies are ongoing, and there is no doubt that important discoveries still await us.
Likewise, studies on the medicinal properties of *Aloe* species are slowly uncovering a rational basis for the use of aloe products.
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