
Skin aging and photoaging: An  overview

Skin aging and photoaging: An overview

Research Summary As the population ages, common skin disorders among the elderly require increasing attention. Additionally, the clinical, histologic, and physiological changes that characterize aging skin are becoming more closely linked to its vulnerability to environmental injuries and certain diseases. This growing concern emphasizes the need for dermatologists to explore the biological aging process in the skin, as well as the distinct process of photoaging, which has become a significant clinical issue.Current studies at the cellular level have revealed substantial functional losses, especially in proliferative capacity, from infancy to adulthood. These losses are even more pronounced as individuals transition from...

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Silica‐based microencapsulation used in topical dermatologic applications

Silica‐based microencapsulation used in topical dermatologic applications

Research Summary Microencapsulation has garnered significant attention due to its wide range of applications. Since its inception in the 1940s, this technology has been utilized across various fields, including the chemical, food, and pharmaceutical industries. Over-the-counter skin products often contain ingredients that degrade readily and unevenly upon contact with the skin. By encapsulating these substances within a silica shell, their stability can be enhanced, allowing for better regulation of their delivery onto and into the skin.Silica microencapsulation uses silica as the matrix material in which ingredients are embedded to form microcapsules. The FDA has recognized amorphous silica as a safe...

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Safety Assessment of 1,2-Glycols as Used in Cosmetics

Safety Assessment of 1,2-Glycols as Used in Cosmetics

Research Summary Caprylyl glycol and related 1,2-glycols are primarily used as skin and hair conditioning agents, as well as viscosity agents in cosmetic products. In addition to these functions, caprylyl glycol and pentylene glycol also serve as cosmetic preservatives. The Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) Expert Panel acknowledged that while these ingredients are absorbed through the skin, modeling data suggested a decrease in skin penetration with longer-chain 1,2-glycols.The negative oral toxicity data on shorter-chain 1,2-glycols, along with supportive genotoxicity data, further reinforce the safety of the 1,2-glycols evaluated in this safety assessment. As a result, the Panel concluded that these ingredients...

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Safety assessment on polyethylene glycols (PEGs) and their derivatives as used in cosmetic products

Safety assessment on polyethylene glycols (PEGs) and their derivatives as used in cosmetic products

Research Summary This assessment focuses on polyethylene glycols (PEGs) and on anionic or nonionic PEG derivatives, which are currently used in cosmetics in Europe. These compounds are widely utilized in various cosmetic applications due to their solubility, viscosity properties, and low toxicity. PEGs, their ethers, and fatty acid esters produce little or no ocular or dermal irritation and have extremely low acute and chronic toxicities. They do not readily penetrate intact skin, and despite the extensive use of products containing PEG and PEG derivatives, there are only a few case reports of sensitization reactions, primarily involving patients exposed to PEGs...

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