Research Summary: Skin health is an important aspect of aesthetics. Dermatologists and scientists continually strive to develop novel methods and materials to achieve healthy skin. Facial cosmetics help keep skin moisturized and remove sebum to maintain proper skin health. The use of suitable cosmetics according to one's facial skin type results in healthier skin. Among these cosmetics, facial masks are the most prevalent products utilized for skin rejuvenation.Facial masks are divided into four groups: (a) sheet masks; (b) peel‐off masks; (c) rinse‐off masks; and (d) hydrogels. Each type offers specific advantages for particular skin types based on the ingredients used....
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Research Summary: Niacinamide is vitamin B3, an essential nutrient. In the body, it is converted to the co-factors NADH and NADPH, which are involved in many biochemical reactions. Dietary deficiency of this water-soluble member of the vitamin B family causes pellagra, a disease that includes dermatitis and red lesions. Pellagra caused thousands of deaths in the United States in the first half of the twentieth century, until simple dietary supplementation with this absorbable vitamin was found to cure the disorder.NAD+ and NADPH levels in skin cells decline with age. Thus, supplementing skin with the precursor to these vital co-factors has...
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Research Summary: The last two decades have seen an increase in active-led skin care products in over-the-counter and retail marketplaces. Consumers have become more knowledgeable about the ingredients used in topical products, resulting in formulations with vitamins and other active ingredients gaining popularity. Further, with the need for instantaneous and short-term benefits, consumers are moving towards high doses of active products. This poses a challenge for formulation scientists to stabilize high active doses and ensure potency over the shelf life. Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is one such ubiquitous active commonly found in topical products claiming brightening, skin firming, and...
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Research Summary: Introduction: Ever since the inception of man’s perception towards beauty, there has been a constant inclination toward the care of one’s appearance. The concept of beauty in Ayurveda is present as early as in *Caraka Samhitā* in the form of *varnya dashemani*. Beauty presents a standard of comparison, and it can cause resentment and dissatisfaction when not achieved. For the maintenance of beauty, there has been a dedicated branch of science—cosmetics. However, owing to side effects like allergies, photosensitivity, and even malignancies due to synthetic chemicals, there has been a growing demand for plant-based cosmetics. Aloe vera is...
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